
Then and Now


Patty’s Then and Now

My tiny but mighty badass. This woman is not only an amazing athlete but a true friend, one I respect and love more than words can say. I don't know what we'd do without you Patty.

“Hi I’m Patty,
It wasn’t until my mid to late 40’s when I put on a significant amount of weight and noticed I wasn’t as tone as I would like to be that I joined a gym and started doing Zumba, ran, and did the weight machines.  Got bored and joined another gym and did body pump, and the weight machines.  I was losing weight, but I was B.O.R.E.D.  The body builders at the gym got my attention but I was intimidated and had no idea how to start.   My opportunity to train with Tiffany came in April 2015 and I started at No Man’s Land aka Tribe Gym.  It wasn’t long before I started to show results; I was leaner, had more endurance and my abs started to show.  The workouts were demanding, and I was doing skill work I had never done before. The following year, 2016, was a very challenging year for me.  That’s me in the picture being “Vanna” for the day in the front of the workout board.  It was taken the day after my mother passed away. I needed to feel “normal” and the sunrise class at Tribe Gym was my solace.  Tribe loved on me that morning and helped me through my grief.  Shortly after that, I suffered a knee injury that required surgery.  Modified workouts for almost a year messed with my mental state, the coaches encouraged me to stick with it and they reminded me it would get better.  My knee did get better and a year later I was doing the all the things on the workout board.  I competed for the first time at Lift for Love in 2018 and loved it.  Talk about getting out of my comfort zone!  At 55, I’m stronger than I’ve ever been plus I have muscle definition. The workouts push me to my limits and I am learning to “zone in” on what I’m doing, which has helped my mental focus in and outside of the gym. I found what I was looking for here at Tribe, workouts that are still demanding and rewarding to me.  The bonus is a community that cares not only about my physical health but also about my mental and spiritual wellbeing. It’s important to me that I have mobility as I gracefully get older.  So, I plan on lifting and working out at Tribe Gym as much as my fierce body will allow at 60, 70, and hopefully, 80 and even 90 years old.”

We're so dang proud of who and what you are. Thank you for the incredible energy you bring to our space every evening!