

A happy place. A soft place to land. A sanctuary.
Sometimes hell — Always home.

Alchemy began one early morning in 2014, in the home of owner and founder, Tiffany Whisman. Very quietly, Four women who'd never met each other tip-toed down the hallway and into a two-car garage. There, in that cramped, cozy space, they began to learn how to pick up a barbell with intention and purpose. Some days, when the workout called for more space, the ever-increasing number of people would move into the yard, and deadlifting in front of the neighborhood stop sign became a frequent (probably annoying) sight.


Later that year, Alchemy opened the front door of our first "real" gym — A modest 700 square feet at best, complete with air conditioning and dirty carpet. We've moved three times since then because when you pour water on gremlins (or sweat on bad ass humans) they multiply. What started as "some workouts at Tiffany's house" is now a fully formed program in a much-less-cramped, but still cozy, 6,000 square foot facility full of plain ol' grown-ups turned athletes.

Coaches ︎