
Then and Now


Jason’s Then and Now

Hey guys! This is my friend Jayson. He is. BEAST in the gym. He brings the most positive energy to his workouts... the kind you can feed off of to make you push your own self even harder. We sure are lucky to have you, sir!

“I heard about Tribe through some fellow colleagues and they tried convincing me that I could use a more improved workout. I knew immediately they were probably right, but after finally getting back into a solid job again, I needed to get my finances in order first. Months later the end of the year was approaching and my colleagues told me that Tribe was going to be setting numbers and this would be the best time to join. So I bit the bullet and went. It was great to be back in the gym again, although getting back on the horse wasn't quite as easy as I thought. On day 3, BS day, I ended up needing stitches and I could see that Tiffany was afraid I was never coming back. After the first of the year, I walked through the door ready to commit to 4 days a week.

I have had great trainers in the past and they helped me get into the best shape I had ever been in. But that was before life dumped some unexpected turmoil on me. I had let myself go a bit and I needed to get back on the path of getting back into shape. From day one Tiffany and Chelsea we're committed to helping me lift the right way. Also they introduced clean, snatch, and clean & jerk to me. None of which I have ever done before, so it began with a naked bar.

As I look back I have come a long way, but I have only just begun. I have been blessed with some great gains as of late and I owe that to Tiffany, Chelsea, Boston, and the rest of this awesome Tribe community for giving me that extra push along the way... even though all of the blood, sweat, and tears.

At first the workouts can look intimidating...most days, but once it's over and you're all sweaty and broken (sometimes ready to vomit) you leave always feeling glad you came. Now I look forward to seeing my Tribe family everyday. Thanks for helping me change my life for the better.”

Jayson, we couldn't be more proud of the way you show up every single day, rain or shine, no matter what madness is on that whiteboard. Thank you for what you do for our Tribe!