Fruit/Vege Salad
What The Fork is up, peeps?
If you haven't made some type of salad with fruit this're missing out! This is the best time of year to grab alllll the juicy, sweet, and fresh fruit you can. Another plus, since we are in season -- all the sales and savings!
This particular fruit/vege salad has been made all summer at our home. Can't get enough of it! The flavors and textures compliment each other so well, it makes as a lovely side dish with BBQ, seafood, grilled meats, a sort of "salsa" or garnish for tacos, and is the perfect cooling mid day snack on these hot Oklahoma summer days.
2 mangos, diced
1 pineapple, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 cucumber, peeled and sliced
1 med red onion, diced1 small jicama, diced
2-4 carrots, peeledRice wine vinegar to tasteA few limes - fresh lime juiceCilantroHemp heartsSalt and pepper to taste
1. Prep all ingredients. (Cut them however you want! I like bigger chunks of fruit than veg. AND you sure don't have to have the veg. Strawberries, apples, berries, grapes, the combos are endless). Trust your gut/what flavors you like together, and get creative!
2. Pour all ingredients in a bowl.
3. For the rice wine vinegar, add 2 TBSP to start, then more to taste. Same with the lime juice, hemp, salt 'n pep.
4. Serve and enjoy! This can last up to a week in the fridge. Starts to get soggy about 5 days in. But it probably won't last that long anyways ;)