
Then and Now


Emma’s Then and Now

I started with Tribe back in November. I always was working out enough but never toned and never where I wanted to be. I've gone from starving myself skinny to, going through a rough and depressing patch in life, to running miles and miles a day. A lot of ups and down in my fitness life and never successful or comfortable with my body. Even at my 110lbs, I was not healthy. I was not happy. I was not satisfied.

In just a few short months with Tribe's programming, I have lost 15lbs and inches off my body. I am more toned and stronger than ever. I wanted to share these pictures not because I am anywhere near close to where I want to be be physically, but I am mentally and visually healthier and happier. All the years of training that I have done in the past has never gotten me as in shape as the 3 months of training with Tribe. I was absolutely terrified to walk into this gym for the first time in fear that I wouldn't be able to keep up. However, everyone was very welcoming and at all different levels of fitness.

I am extremely grateful to the members and the lovely leader, Tiffany, for the encouragement and coaching. I have reached so many goals and now my training is turning more into what I am capable of instead of my physical appearance, that part is just starting to follow naturally. I feel like the boss lady I know I am and am so excited to see how far I will go with my Tribe family!