Christian’s Then and Now
“Tribe looks at a person's physique and fitness, something that has been twisted by popular media into what outer beauty ‘should’ look like, and uses these aspects of a person's life to grow their self-love, confidence, bravery, kindness.”
“I've been with Tribe since the very beginning, like before we were even in the garage, when we were just in Tiffany's living room doing squat jumps up the stairs and push-ups on the floral rug and toe taps on the coffee table. That was about 6 years ago, and I was only in high school then. I remember I always felt so proud that I could keep up with Tiffany's workouts, and I would tell my friends about all the crazy things she had us do. Tribe's programming has evolved and changed SO MUCH since then, but that feeling of pride to be part of Tribe never has and never will. :)
With all of the progress that I've made, of course I love the way my body looks, but I think what I'm most proud of is knowing how much my body is capable of doing. I can walk into any gym at any time and move some SERIOUS weight around and look badass and confident while I'm doing it. As one of the Tribe Satellite members, I do almost every single workout by myself, which can really suck sometimes. I have to work out in a cramped globo gym instead of our big open space. I'm almost always the only woman in the heavy free weight area, and I'm typically surrounded by meathead dudes who keep interrupting me to ask how many more sets I have or if I need help putting weights on my barbell. *eye roll* But once I get into my workout, I'm all the way in what we call the "dark place," and they realize that I can move even faster and better than a majority of the other gym members, that look on their face is priceless. That's why, even though I live in LA, I'll never be a member of any other fitness program.
The atmosphere at tribe is quite literally home to me. When I come back to Oklahoma for holidays, I find myself looking forward to being back at the gym next to my fellow Tribers. I mean seriously, who looks forwards to going to the gym over Christmas break?! But I have honestly planned my flights so that my plane lands early enough that I can make it to the 5:30pm class and leaves late enough that I can go to the 9am. That's not the kind of thing you do for a workout. It's what you do for the people, and Tribe has the most amazing ones. Without fail, every single time I come home, there are people at the gym, whether I've actually met them or not, coming up to me saying "Hey, you're that girl who Tribes from California!" or asking me how I like going to school out here or saying welcome back. I've been to SO MANY other gyms, and that absolutely does not happen anywhere else.
My absolute favorite thing about Tribe, though, is Black Rock. A gym that helps people love themselves and then go out and love the people who need it most. Tribe looks at a person's physique and fitness, something that has been twisted by popular media into what outer beauty "should" look like, and uses these aspects of a person's life to grow their self-love, confidence, bravery, kindness. Then, because it's what we do in everything, we push it even one step further, and we extend that love to the most broken and hurting people in our community. It's like the city's ultimate love project.”