
Then and Now


Brooke’s Then and Now

I'ma tell you right now, I bait and switched this hot little momma into Tribe Gym. I offered a newbie class, let her piddle around with that for a sec, and then upped the ante because ya'll: She's a BAMF.

"The pictures on the top range from 2010-2014. By 2014 I had lost the baby weight after two kids. I was working out regularly but I had not added any muscle. I was typically doing cardio and light weights at high reps. Why? Because that's what most women were doing and I mistakenly thought I could out-exercise a bad diet. In 2015 I started working out at Tribe regularly. I had not lifted that heavy in 15 years and I most definitely had never implemented nutrition guidelines and tracked my daily eating. It was a game changer for me. I can't imagine a more busy season of life with my family and career but I ditched the excuses and made it a priority. We're no good to anyone else if we don't take care of ourselves. The pictures on the bottom row were taken from 2016-2018. Consistency truly does compound. You are never too old to get started! I'll be 40 in a few months. Today I do the minimum amount of cardio required to maintain my results. If you're stuck in the cardio/calorie burning trap and you don't like what you see or feel, I encourage you to try something else! Something heavy."

Brooke, you are one of my very favorite humans to have every walked through our doors. Thank you for your dedication! You sure make us look good!