



411 Friday

Let’s talk about abs! There are so many myths out there about how to get those chiseled abs and we’re here to set the record straight.

5 Ways to Combat a Sugar Addiction

Here's what all the science says:
Sugar CAN be more addictive than any other drug. And, at least for some of us, one's too many and a hundred ain't enough.

Something New

A long time ago, long before I had even one little muscle and calendars had just barely started with the 20's,  I decided I wanted to change my body....

Let’s Talk About Why

While this applies directly to them, anyone who has found peace through moving their bodies might enjoy this.


I know this for sure: If you're hitting new numbers or learning new skills, it has more to do with consistency than just about anything else. And for that, I'd like to extend a sincere congratulations. You have PR'd your "show the hell up."